Sunday, January 26, 2020
John Lockes Philosophy Of Education Philosophy Essay
John Lockes Philosophy Of Education Philosophy Essay All the objects of the understanding are described as ideas, and ideas are spoken of as being in the mind. Lockes first problem, therefore, is to trace the origin and history of ideas, and the way in which the understanding operates upon them, in order that he may be able to see what knowledge is and how far it reaches. In the first book of the Essay, on the subject of innate ideas, Locke points to the variety of human experience, and to the difficulty of forming general and abstract ideas, and he ridicules the view that any such ideas can be antecedent to experience. All the parts of our knowledge, he insists, have the same rank and the same history regarding their origin in experience. All our ideas, he says, come from experience. The mind has no innate ideas, but it has innate faculties: it perceives, remembers, and combines the ideas that come to it from without; it also desires, deliberates, and wills; and these mental activities are themselves the source of a new class of ideas. Experience is therefore twofold. Our observation may be employed either about external sensible objects, or about the internal operations of our minds. The former is the source of most of the ideas which we have, and, as it depends wholly upon our senses, is called sensation. John Locke was a great education on several counts. In an immediate sense he was himself a practitioner and publicist of good education. This writing assignment is concerned with his biography, his philosophy of education, his advice to parents on the upbringing of their children, his philosophy of curriculum. Biography Lockes father, who was also named John Locke, was a country lawyer and clerk to the Justices of the Peace in Chew Magna, who had served as a captain of cavalry for the Parliamentarian forces during the early part of the English Civil War. His mother, Agnes Keene, was a tanners daughter and reputed to be very beautiful. Both parents were Puritans. Locke was born on 29 August 1632, in a small thatched cottage by the church in Wrington, Somerset, about twelve miles from Bristol. He was baptized the same day. In 1647, Locke was sent to the prestigious Westminster School in London under the sponsorship of Alexander Popham, a member of Parliament and former commander of the younger Lockes father. After completing his studies there, he was admitted to Christ Church, Oxford. Locke was awarded a bachelors degree in 1656 and a masters degree in 1658. He obtained a bachelor of medicine in 1674, having studied medicine extensively during his time at Oxford and worked with such noted scientists and thinkers as Robert Boyle, Thomas Willis, Robert Hooke and Richard Lower. Locke fled to the Netherlands in 1683, under strong suspicion of involvement in the Rye House Plot, although there is little evidence to suggest that he was directly involved in the scheme. In the Netherlands, Locke had time to return to his writing, spending a great deal of time re-working the Essay and composing the Letter on Toleration. Locke did not return home until after the Glorious Revolution. Locke accompanied William of Oranges wife back to England in 1688. The bulk of Lockes publishing took place upon his return from exileà his aforementioned Essay Concerning Human Understanding, the Two Treatises of Civil Government and A Letter Concerning Toleration all appearing in quick succession. He died in 28 October 1704, and is buried in the churchyard of the village of High Laver east of Harlow in Essex, where he had lived in the household of Sir Francis Masham since 1691. Locke never married nor had children. Philosophy of Education Although the Thoughts was most immediately concerned with education, by far the most important of Lockes writings, and one which had great significance for education, was the Essay concerning human understanding. Locke abandoned the attempt to make two unlike things influence each other. He begins his thinking with the thesis that the mind is a sort of blank tablet upon which the world of matter writes by means of sensations. This mind does not have innate or inborn ideas, but it does have the power to arrange impressions in such a way as to produce a consistent system of thoughts. Mind and body, for Locke, exist as real things, but they interact. Bodies act upon the mind and produce sensations. Ideas or perceptions of some of qualities of external objects are accurate copies of qualities that actually reside in the objects, Locke said. This is what he means. Think of a basketball. It has a certain size, shape, and weight, and when we look at and handle the ball, our sensory apparatus provides us with accurate pictures or images or ideas or perceptions of these primary qualities, as Locke called them. Lockes theory: According to Locke, when we say, we are looking at an external object, what we are really doing is attending to the perceptions or ideas of the object in our mind. Some of these perceptions, such as those of a basketballs size and shape, accurately represent qualities in the object itself. Other perceptions, such as those of the basketballs color do not represent anything in the object. Lockes purpose was to examine the nature and extent of human knowledge and the degree of assent should be given to any proposition. Lockes alternative image of the mind as a white paper void of all characters (Essay, 2.1.2) has often been interpreted as meaning that all human beings start as equals. Locke did not believe this; on the contrary, he was conscious that the differing personalities and mental and physical capacities of individuals were to some extent a product of nature rather of nature. How was knowledge acquired? How might men come to universal agreement? To this I answer, in one word, from experience (Essay, 2.1.2). But experience itself, gained via the senses, was not sufficient of itself for knowledge. That also required the active agency of mind upon such experience. Follow a child from its birth and observe the alterations that time makes, and you should find, as the mind by the senses comes more and more to be furnished with ideas, it comes to be more and more awake; thinks more, the more it has matter to think upon. After some time it begins to know the objects, which being most familiar with it, have made lasting impressions. Thus it comes, by degrees, to know the persons it daily converses with, and distinguishes them from strangers; which are instances and effects of its coming to retain and distinguish the ideas the senses convey to it (Essay, 2.1.22). The senses at first let in particular ideas, and furnish this yet empty cabinet and the mind by degrees growing familiar with some of them, they are lodged in the memory, and names got to them. Afterwards the mind, proceeding further, abstracts them, and by degree learns the use of general names. In this manner the mind comes to be furnished with ideas and language, the materials about which to exercise its discursive faculty. And the use of reason becomes daily more visible, as these materials that give it employment increase (Essay, 1.2.15). It must be admitted that Lockes derivation of all ideas ultimately from experience is not without its difficulties. Though, for Locke, experience embraced both sensation and reflection, clearly there are substantial qualitative differences between the simple sensations of infants, and the complex and abstract reflections of the mature adult mind. One way of attempting to resolve such difficulties is to recognize that Locke envisaged ideas of different types. Parents and children His medical knowledge contributed to a concern for the physical, as well as the mental and spiritual, well-being of children. He was not only a founder of empirical thought, with all that meant for ways of learning, but he also may be counted as a pioneer of scientific psychology. He believed in the importance of observing children, and of tailoring education to their needs and capacities. Thus his views on plenty of open air, exercise and sleep; plain diet, no wine or strong drink, and very little or no physick (Thoughts, s.30) would command general support today, though his advice on toughening the feet by wearing thin or leaky shoes so that gentlemans sons might acquire the ability, if necessary, to go barefoot as the poor do, might seem to be somewhat harsh. (Thought, s. 8). Food for children, according to Locke, should be plain and wholesome, with sugar salt and spices used sparingly. From the body Locke turned to the mind. He believe that parents should personally exercise firm and close authority over their children from an early age, with a view to relaxing this as they grow older. Fear and awe ought to give you the first power over their minds, and love and friendship in riper years to hold it (Thoughts, s.42). Locke criticized the over-indulgence of little children, and abhorred obstinate crying on their part, but had little use of any form of physical chastisement. He advised parents and tutors to their children and to note their dispositions and dislikes: for a child will learn three time as much when he is in tune, as he will with double the time and pains, when he goes awkwardly, or is dragged unwillingly to it (Thoughts, s.74). Toys should be simple and sturdy, possible fashioned by the children themselves, rather than expensive and fragile. The curriculum Locke had an overall view of the curriculum which was coupled with teaching methods. He believed in starting with the plain and simple, and of building, as far as possible, upon childrens existing knowledge, of emphasizing the interconnections and coherence of subjects. Children should be taught to read at the earliest possible age-as soon as they can talk. But the learning should not be irksome; on the contrary, Locke believed that it would be better to lose a whole year rather than to give a child an aversion to learning at this early stage. Locke commented upon how much energy, practice and repetition children happily put into play, and therefore suggested dice and play-things with the letters on them, to teach children the alphabet by playing (Thoughts, s.148). From letters they should proceed to syllables and then to easy and pleasant books, such as Aesops Fables, preferably in an edition which included pictures. Locke advocated the use of pictures of animals with the printed names to them (Thoughts, s.156). In recognition of the difficulties inherent in such essential learning as The Lords Prayer, Creeds and Ten Commandments, Locke recommended that these should be learned not from the printed word but orally and by heart. Locke warned against the use of the Bible as a reading book for children, a most common practice in this day, for what pleasure or encouragement can it be to a child to exercise himself in reading those parts of a book, where he understands nothing? (Thoughts, s. 158). Writing should begin with correct holding of the pen and the copying of large letters from a sheet. Writing would lead naturally to drawing, with due attention to perspective, a most useful skill for those who would engage in travel, so that buildings, machines and other interesting phenomena might be quickly sketched. Locke believed that a good drawing was more useful in conveying an idea to the mind than several pages of written description. Locke also urged the value of shorthand for the purpose of making quick notes. Other subjects which Locke commended for a gentlemans son included geography, arithmetic, astronomy, geometry, chronology, and history, and generally in that order. Lockes influence on contemporary education in Cambodia As we have known that John Locke is a great philosopher so his philosophies influences other countries include Cambodia as well. His education that influences on contemporary in Cambodia is that nowadays in Cambodia kindergarten we use John Lockes education such as: we include pictures and fables to teach students. In these stages, teachers teach students by describing and explaining that why Locke recommended. But what we concern is that some Cambodian teachers usually teach students what they have without giving time to students to practice or do the experiment. Moreover, students themselves rarely use their sensations correctly to know the facts. They usually believe that their teachers teach them. It means that what their teachers teach them they just require knowledge from their teachers. These points we should change the bad habit. So teachers have to teach students to use the senses how to acquire knowledge because Locke said that our knowledge comes from experience through se nsation. On the other hand, some students are poor they cannot eat healthy food so that why it is a little bit different from what Locke has recommended. Locke purpose is that he wants children to eat healthy food so when children have strong health they will study more effective. Conclusion In conclusion, Lockes philosophy is very good because he wants all people to know the facts by using experience through sensations. As we have known, something around us is abstract therefore we need to find the truth and reality. As Locke has mentioned above education is very important for all people. So, not only people in other countries but also people in Cambodia parents have to send their children to study at schools. It is a good reason that children are easy to acquire knowledge when they are children because in this stage John Locke held that at birth the human mind is a blank slate, empty ideas. In contrast, if parents don not send them to study it means that their children will be poor at knowledge. At last, Locke said that the goal of education is the welfare and prosperity of the nation- Locke conceived the nations welfare and prosperity in terms of the personal happiness and social usefulness of its citizens.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
A time when i ran away
Everybody at school Jeers at me and constantly bullies me. Even the teachers pick on me, because I'm not exactly the brightest student. Everyday I go home battered and bruised yet my parents still don't take a second look at me. I may be shy, but I'm also mysterious, curious and after some thought, and quite a lot of beatings, I decided to try something new, to run away from home. Vive been traveling for ages now, with no insight of where I'm going. The hot sun bears down on me, my lips are parched and I'm desperate for an ice cold drink.I use what little spare change I have, to buy myself a bottle of water, and before I know it Vive gone through the whole thing. I'm exhausted, yet I have no shelter, no food or drink, and worst of all I have no family. I really regret running away. I wish I could Just have a second chance to go back and fix everything. But I know better, that I'm not wanted there, and that they're all probably throwing a party now that Vive left. I realism that I hav e no hope, if I keep on moaning and groaning about what an idiot I am. So, instead I decide to make a plan as to how I can survive.Vive never shoplifted before; it's a completely new concept for me. When I was younger I would always feel guilty about sneaking a few chocolates of the top of the cupboard. So you can see how petrified I am about shoplifting. I try to casually stroll Into Deco's, but I can't keep my heart from thumping so fast, I can't stop the sweat from bucketing down my face. Every aisle has a shop assistant wandering around keeping an eye on everything. I decided to try the confectionery aisle. I sneakily slipped a Fruit Pastilles packet Into my pocket and Just as I done so; I was halted by the assistant.I felt my pulse break; I knew I was in for It. H reached behind himself and took out a sheet. Sprawled out across the front was LOST BOY, with a picture of someone who looked exactly like me. That's when It hit me that I was the lost boy. No words could describe how I was feeling. I dashed out of the store and sprinted all the way home, only to find It completely abandoned. I asked a passer-by where the occupants of my house were. He calmly pointed to the roof and said they hurdled to their death, because of the heartache of losing their missing son.It was at that moment, that I collapsed to the round, and was once again reunited with my family a time when I ran away By Reverberant-Congratulating petrified I am about shoplifting. I try to casually stroll into Deco's, but I can't keep my decided to try the confectionery aisle. I sneakily slipped a Fruit Pastilles packet into knew I was in for it. H reached behind himself and took out a sheet. Sprawled out That's when it hit me that I was the lost boy. No words could describe how I was feeling. I dashed out of the store and sprinted all the way home, only to find it
Thursday, January 9, 2020
A Sociological and Psychological Assessment of Crime and...
A Sociological and Psychological Assessment of Crime and Deviance The sociology of deviance is the sociological study of deviant behavior, or the recognized violation of cultural norms. Cultural Norms are societys propensity towards certain ideals; their aversion from others; and their standard, ritualistic practices. Essentially the norm is a summation of typical activities and beliefs of group of people. There are various Sociological deviance theories, including Structuralist: why do some people break the rules? , Marxists: who makes the rules, and who benefits from their enforcement?, and Interactionist: How did this person become processed (labeled) as a deviant? Sociology asserts that deviance is problematic,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦They are intrinsically social because they involve judgment. Decisions are made as to what constitutes deviance and what behaviors are to be considered illegal. The labeling of certain acts as deviant calls our attention to the fact that it is the reaction to the act that places it in the category ââ¬Ëdeviantââ¬â¢ not the act itself. Being able to separate biological and environmental factors is nearly impossible since they impact on each other from the day we are born. Isolating one variable and finding an association with criminality is a correlation but this should not be confused with a ââ¬Ëcauseââ¬â¢. There is a danger of reducing complex processes to simple one-cause explanations. There are some very dubious ethical implications from this area of research. The logical conclusions are to alter peoples biology by pre or post natal interference. It is also quite obvious that there are types of behaviors that will be damaging to any society and need to be controlled. Some of these behaviors seem to have a biological or psychological origin, rather than an environmental cause. The most obvious of the biological/psychological distinctions is that of the different levels/types of deviant involvement engaged in as a consequence of sex. Males seem to be far more predisposed to act in ways that all societies want to reduce because of their social harm. Some of the earlier biological theories are clearly flawed and have been used to demonstrat e the weakness of suchShow MoreRelatedCrime and Deviance3081 Words à |à 13 PagesCrime and Deviance from a Sociological and Psychological assessment: The sociology of deviance is the sociological study of deviant behavior, or the recognized violation of cultural norms. Cultural Norms are societys propensity towards certain ideals; their aversion from others; and their standard, ritualistic practices. Essentially the norm is a summation of typical activities and beliefs of group of people. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Raising Minimum Wage Will Benefit Our Economy - 1576 Words
There are many people who will debate whether-or-not raising minimum wage will benefit our economy. Money is what helps us survive and acquire our necessities of life. Most children are instilled with the thought that going to school, getting a good education, and obtaining a good job would guarantee success and happiness; although everyone does not have that privilege, and may end up with lower paying jobs. Almost anyone can get a job at a fast food restaurant, clothing store, or any general job because his or her pay is a reduced quantity and was never set to support a person needs. If minimum wage is raised it could help build our economy and give those who donââ¬â¢t have educational backgrounds, or may not be a likely candidate for a professional job, the opportunity to still make a living. Minimum wage is not enough to pay for daily necessities, and is even less when you have a family to support; but if it is raised it would allow the workers to have better opportunity to provide for themselves and, or, their families. Sharon, a journalist, questioned whether raising minimum wage would optimally have a positive or negative effect. (Witke) Raising minimum wage may raise the cost of living and , but raising minimum wage can also help our economy thrive and lead us out of debt. I have witnessed the affects of minimum wage. I didnââ¬â¢t have much experience, and I was overall down on my luck with finding a job. I wanted a job so I could show my parents I could be independent,Show MoreRelatedEffect Of Raising Minimum Wage1215 Words à |à 5 PagesEffects of Raising Minimum Wage The minimum wage in this country has been a controversial issue. Many people believe it will help reduce poverty and boost the economy. 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